From: | Lionel Smith, Prof. <> |
To: | ODG <> |
Global Seminar on Private Law Theory <GLOBAL_SEM_PRIVATE_LAW_THEORY@LISTS.MCGILL.CA> | |
Date: | 11/10/2020 20:24:35 |
Subject: | call for presenters |
Dear colleagues,
I allow myself a brief follow-up to my recent call, via ODG and RDG, for speakers in the series of Global Seminars in Private Law Theory.
This follow-up is to say that I would particularly welcome proposals from women colleagues to present. On the list as it now exists of those wishing or offering to speak, women colleagues are
greatly under-represented.
I am well aware that the pandemic has disproportionately affected women scholars and is continuing to do so. I hope that any of our colleagues who wish to present research, at whatever stage it
may be, will feel welcome to do so in this series.
Lionel Smith